
Department of Structural Mechanics and Computer Aided Engineering
Nagroda Rektora PW PDF Print E-mail
Nagroda Zespołowa I st. Rektora PW za osiągnięcia naukowe w ra. 2015/2016 przyznana zespołowi:  S.Czarnecki, R.Czubacki, T. Lewińskim, T.Sokół, P.Wawruch dnia  2 X 2017 r. (Rektor PW: prof. Jan Szmidt)
Referaty na CMM 2017 PDF Print E-mail
Referaty wygloszone i opublikowane przez pracowników Zakładu MBiZI na konferencji 22 nd Int.Conf Computer Methods in Mechanics, 13-16 września 2017, Lublin:

S. Czarnecki, T. Lewiński, On material design by the Pareto optimal choice of elastic moduli distribution, CMM-2017, 22nd Computer Methods in Mechanics, September 13th–16th 2017, Lublin, Poland, eds. Burczyński T., Kuczma M., Warmiński J., Podgórski J., Błazik-Borowa E., Lipecki T., Book of Abstracts MS01-1, ISBN 978-83-7947-264-2

T. Łukasiak, Multi-parameter underlying micro-structures in the FE inverse homogenization process towards extreme isotropic composites. CMM-2017, 22nd Computer Methods in Mechanics, September 13th–16th 2017 Lublin, Poland, eds. Burczyński T., Kuczma M., Warmiński J., Podgórski J., Błazik-Borowa E., Lipecki T., Book of Abstracts MS01-3. ISBN 978-83-7947-264-2

R. Czubacki. Material orientation design of planar structures with prescribed anisotropy classes. CMM-2017, 22nd Computer Methods in Mechanics, September 13th–16th 2017 Lublin, Poland, eds. Burczyński T., Kuczma M., Warmiński J., Podgórski J., Błazik-Borowa E., Lipecki T., Book of Abstracts MS01-9. ISBN 978-83-7947-264-2

S. Czarnecki, T. Lewiński, T.Łukasiak, P.Wawruch, Design of additively manufacturable least compliant structures, CMM-2017, 22nd Computer Methods in Mechanics, September 13th–16th 2017, Lublin, Poland, eds. Burczyński T., Kuczma M., Warmiński J., Podgórski J., Błazik-Borowa E., Lipecki T., Book of Abstracts MS01-19. ISBN 978-83-7947-264-2

G. Dzierżanowski, Customizing the engineering moduli of elascticity in the context of structural optimization. CMM-2017, 22nd Computer Methods in Mechanics, September 13th–16th 2017 Lublin, Poland, eds. Burczyński T., Kuczma M., Warmiński J., Podgórski J., Błazik-Borowa E., Lipecki T., Book of Abstracts MS01-25. ISBN 978-83-7947-264-2

T. Sokół, An improved ground structure method with adjusted displacements in empty zones. CMM-2017, 22nd Computer Methods in Mechanics, September 13th–16th 2017 Lublin, Poland, eds. Burczyński T., Kuczma M., Warmiński J., Podgórski J., Błazik-Borowa E., Lipecki T., Book of Abstracts MS01-43. ISBN 978-83-7947-264-2
The Isotropic and Cubic Material Designs. Recovery of the Underlying Microstructures Appearing in the Least Compliant Continuum Bodies PDF Print E-mail
S. Czarnecki, T. Łukasiak, T. Lewiński
The Isotropic and Cubic Material Designs. Recovery of the Underlying Microstructures Appearing in the Least Compliant Continuum Bodies
Materials 2017, 10(10), 1137; doi:10.3390/ma10101137

The paper discusses the problem of manufacturability of the minimum compliance designs of the structural elements made of two kinds of inhomogeneous materials: the isotropic and cubic. In both the cases the unit cost of the design is assumed as equal to the trace of the Hooke tensor. The Isotropic Material Design (IMD) delivers the optimal distribution of the bulk and shear moduli within the design domain. The Cubic Material Design (CMD) leads to the optimal material orientation and optimal distribution of the invariant moduli in the body made of the material of cubic symmetry. The present paper proves that the varying underlying microstructures (i.e., the representative volume elements (RVE) constructed of one or two isotropic materials) corresponding to the optimal designs constructed by IMD and CMD methods can be recovered by matching the values of the optimal moduli with the values of the effective moduli of the RVE computed by the theory of homogenization. The CMD method leads to a larger set of results, i.e., the set of pairs of optimal moduli. Moreover, special attention is focused on proper recovery of the microstructures in the auxetic sub-domains of the optimal designs.
Non-linear shape functions over time in the space-time finite element method PDF Print E-mail
Z. Kacprzyk
Non-linear shape functions over time in the space-time finite element method
XXVI R-S-P Seminar 2017, avaible online: DOI:


This work presents a generalisation of the space-time finite element method proposed by Kączkowski in his seminal of 1970's and early 1980's works. Kączkowski used linear shape functions in time. The recurrence formula obtained by Kączkowski was conditionally stable. In this paper, non-linear shape functions in time are proposed.
Pareto Optimal Design of Non-Homogeneous Isotropic Material Properties for the Multiple Loading Conditions PDF Print E-mail
pssb 2017S. Czarnecki, T. Lewiński
Pareto Optimal Design of Non-Homogeneous Isotropic Material Properties for the Multiple Loading Conditions
Physica Status Solidi B: Basic Solids State Physics. 2017

The stiffest structural elements to resist given systems of loads of prescribed weights are optimally formed from an inhomogeneous isotropic material. The products are cut out from the design domain, thus solving the shape design problem simultaneously. The optimal designs reflect the weights of the loads, see the illustrative design for mutually orthogonal loads of different weights.
Polskie normy BIM - norma IFD PDF Print E-mail
Budownictwo i PrawoZ. Kacprzyk
Polskie normy BIM - norma IFD,
Budownictwo i Prawo, 3(83)/2017, pp.13-16

BIM bez standardów CAD i klasyfikacji budowlanej to BIM teoretyczny. Standardy CAD
i klasyfikacja tworzą informację jednoznaczną, łatwą do wymiany i spójną w całym przedsięwzięciu
budowlanym. Tylko informacja wykorzystująca standardy i klasyfikacje czyni BIM narzędziem
efektywnym i wartym stosowania.
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