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# Tytuł artykułu Odsłony
61 Pareto Optimal Design of Non-Homogeneous Isotropic Material Properties for the Multiple Loading Conditions 9440
62 Polskie normy BIM - norma IFD 6435
63 Wyróznienie PTMKM 5996
64 W numerze 8/2017 Inżynierii i Budownictwo ... 5906
65 Referaty wygłoszone i publikacje konferencyjne na WCSMO 12 pracowników zakładu 5881
66 Wyróżnienie Rady Programowej Czasopism i Wydawnictw PZITB 6047
67 Polskie normy BIM - norma IFC 7171
68 On material design by the optimal choice of Young's modulus distribution 10421
69 Engineering Transactions - publikacje pracowników zakładu 10714
70 Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering, 2016 6364
71 Special issue dedicated to Founding Editor George Rozvany 10476
72 Pracownicy Zakładu na SOLMECH 2016 6354
73 XXV Polish – Russian – Slovak Seminar “Theoretical Foundation of Civil Engineering" - Procedia Engineering 10693
74 Optimal internal architectures of femoral bone based on relaxation by homogenization and isotropic material design 10791
75 Simply supported Michell trusses generated by a lateral point load 10871
76 Advances in Mechanics: Theoretical, Computational and Interdisciplinary Issues. 7212
77 Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering, Polish-Ukrainian Transactions, 2015 7260
78 Komputerowe wspomaganie projektowania konstrukcji: od CAD 2D do BIM 7517
79 Modelowanie informacji BIM 4D na przykładzie modernizacji klatki schodowej 7638
80 Metoda Elementów Skończonych w mechanice konstrukcji 9024
81 Topology optimization of spatial continuum structures made of non-homogeneous material of cubic symmetry 11948
82 PCM - CMM 2015 8104
83 Isotropic Material Design 12333
84 The emergence of auxetic material as a result of optimal isotropic design 11960
85 Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering, Polish-Ukrainian Transactions, 2014 8772
86 XXIII R-S-P Seminar, Theoretical Foundation of Civil Engineering (23RSP) (TFoCE 2014) 15833
87 A note on optimal design of multiphase elastic structures 13176
88 A stress-based formulation of the free material design problem with the trace constraint and multiple load conditions 14576
89 Recovery of two-phase microstructures of planar isotropic elastic composites 12346
90 Two-phase isotropic composites with prescribed bulk and shear moduli 7835
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