
Home Selected publications Shell Structures: Theory and Applications - 2013
Shell Structures: Theory and Applications - 2013 PDF Print E-mail
ssta-2013Na 10 jubileuszowej konferencji SSTA 2013 z Zakładu prezentowane były następujące referaty:
S. Czarnecki, R. Czubacki, G. Dzierżanowski, T. Lewiński, The Free Material Design of Thin Elastic Shells, pp. 73-76. Shell Structures: Theory and Applications. Vol.3. Proc.of the 10th SSTA Conference, Gdańsk, 16-18 October 2013. W.Pietraszkiewicz, J.Górski, Eds. CRC Press. Taylor&Francis/Balkema, London 2014.
W. Gilewski, J. Pełczyński, High-precision rectangular finite element for FGM plates, pp.401-404. Shell Structures: Theory and Applications. Vol.3. Proc.of the 10th SSTA Conference, Gdańsk, 16-18 October 2013. W.Pietraszkiewicz, J.Górski, Eds. CRC Press. Taylor&Francis/Balkema, London 2014.
W. Gilewski, J. Pełczyński, Physical super-geometric FE formulation for moderately thick plates, pp.405-408. Shell Structures: Theory and Applications. Vol.3. Proc.of the 10th SSTA Conference, Gdańsk, 16-18 October 2013. W.Pietraszkiewicz, J.Górski, Eds. CRC Press. Taylor&Francis/Balkema, London 2014.

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