
Department of Structural Mechanics and Computer Aided Engineering
Theory of grillage optimization- A discrete setting, PDF Print E-mail
K.Bołbotowski, Theory of grillage optimization- A discrete setting, pp 605-618, In: H.C.Rodrigues et al. (Eds) Eng Opt. 2018 Proc. 6th Int.Conf. on Engineering Optimization, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
Solmech 2018 - referaty pracowników zakładu PDF Print E-mail
W trakcie konferencji 41st. Solid Mechanics Conference, SOLMECH 2018, 27-31 VIII 2018, Warszawa,

pracownicy naszego Zakładu wygłosili następujące referaty:

T.Sokół, T.Lewiński, Michell cantilever on circular support for unequal permissible stresses in tension and compression.
R.Czubacki, G.Dzierżanowski, T.Lewiński, On funiculars and archgrids of minimal weight.
S.Czarnecki, R.Czubacki, T.Lewiński, On the Free Material Design for the multiple loading conditions.
K.Bołbotowski, Are Michell structures and optimum grillages equivalent to frameworks composed of infinite number of straight members ?

Projektowanie 3D+ - wybrane zagadnienia PDF Print E-mail
przeproj mZ. Kacprzyk, Projektowanie 3D+ - wybrane zagadnienia, Przewodnik projektanta, 1/2018, pp. 36-40

W ciągu ostatnich kilkudziesięciu lat informatyzacja istotnie zmodyfikowała technologię projektowania. Automatyzacja niektórych etapów projektowania znacznie zwiększyła wydajność projektanta, uczyniła obliczenia łatwiejszymi. Dokumentację budowlaną przygotowujemy szybciej, łatwiej ją modyfikujemy i powielamy. Żeby osiągnąć taki efekt projektant musi rozumieć ideę integracji projektowania i biegle posługiwać się zaawansowanymi narzędziami informatycznymi. Dla skutecznego i efektywnego wykorzystania narzędzi projektowania 3D, biuro projektów powinno zapewnić odpowiednie środowisko informatyczne dla pracy zespołowej.
Design of optimum grillages using layout optimization PDF Print E-mail
K. Bolbotowski, L. He, M.Gilbert, Design of optimum grillages using layout optimization, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization,
Grillages are often used to form bridge decks and other constructions. However, following a period of intensive research activity in the 1970s, comparatively little attention has been paid to optimizing the layout of grillages in recent years. In this contribution a new numerical procedure is proposed which takes advantage of the adaptive solution scheme previously developed for truss layout optimization problems, enabling very large scale problems to be solved. A key benefit of the proposed numerical procedure is that it is completely general, and can therefore be applied to problems with arbitrary loading and boundary conditions. Also, unlike some previously proposed procedures, the sizes of individual beams can readily be discerned. To demonstrate its efficacy the numerical procedure is applied to a range of grillage layout design problems, including load dependent problems which could not be solved using traditional methods. It is shown that important phenomena such as “beam-weaves” can be faithfully captured and new high-precision numerical benchmark solutions are provided.
On Risk and Reliability Studies of Climate-Related Building Performance PDF Print E-mail
K. Pietrzyk and I. Czmoch (2018). On Risk and Reliability Studies of Climate-Related Building Performance,
Risk Assessment, Dr. Valentina Svalova (Ed.), InTech, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.71684.
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A design strategy based on integration of the building form and structure with its external environment in order to take advantage of natural forces (wind and buoyancy effects) has been evaluated in terms of risk and reliability measures. Tools for the probabilistic analysis (First-Order Reliability Method (FORM), Monte Carlo) have been presented and applied in the probabilistic modelling and sensitivity analysis of the response function of the studied building physics problem. Sensitivity analysis of the influence of basic random variables on the probability distribution of a response function is straightforward in FORM methodology...
"Najlepszy statyk w Polsce" PDF Print E-mail
Udział Katedry Mechaniki Budowli i prof. Zbigniewa Kączkowskiego w projektowaniu Spodka w Katowicach.
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